Germanium Semiconductor detector
This analyzes and determines the quantities of gamma rays nuclide by gamma rays spectrum analysis of water,food,soil,urine and so on.The quantities of 0.3Bq/kg Cs134,137 can be determined.(Detection threshold depends on quantity of the sample,density and time.)Detecting part is a p type High-Purity Germanium semiconductor(HPGe) equipped with very thin carbon window.Its relative efficiency 50%.Data collector is ORION digital collecting system by ItechInstruments.Analysis software is InterWinner by ItechInstruments.
NaI scintillators detector
The detector is AT1320B by ATOMTEX from Belarus.It measures caesium in soil,food,house dust and so on between several Bq/kg~hundreds of thousands Bq/kg.It is used as rough analysis if high precision measuring is needed or not.
NaI scintillators survey meters
TCS172B by Hitach Aroka Medical,Ltd. measures gamma rays.It is used by Japanese government officials.
The location of laboratory
〒190-0181 7444 Okuno Hinode-machi Nishitama-gun Tokyo-to
・By train:Take off Musashiitsukaichi station through Haijima station.Then take a taxi for 5 minutes and take off in front of International media company(Kokusai Media Mae).
・By car:30 minutes from Chuo Kosoku Hachioji IC toward Akiruno
10 minutes from Kennodo Hinode IC toward Hinode
The way to Chikurin
After going out from the examinations of tickets of MUsashimasuko-station,turn right,
and you’ll find 100yen shop.Turn right there,go across the crossing and go straight along the raod for about 1km
and you’ll find 「Nishihirai」 traffic light.Turn left and go along the road for about 1.5km
and you’ll find 「Kayakubo」 traffic light.Turn right and go along the road about 1km
and you’ll find Jizo.Turn left and go straight along the road for about 500m
and you’ll find Kokusai Media.Take the narrow path between this signboard and this monument
you’ll arrive at Chikurin.